Pennsylvania Archives–Ninth Series—1796

These abstracts are from the published ninth series of the Pennsylvania Archives, which is not indexed. This is not an index of that material, but rather gleanings from the data which appear to be of interest to the genealogist. It includes fines remitted, pardons, guardianships, private acts, licenses for peddlers, etc.

Pardons issued and fines remitted by Governor Thomas Mifflin under the Constitution of 1790. Pensions paid widows and children by the Commonwealth of Pa. during the administration of Governor Thomas Mifflin. Published in the Ninth Series of The Pennsylvania Archives, edited by Gertrude MacKinney, 1931.

January 2, 1796: Land escheated to the Commonwealth by the death of Jacob Harleman, who died intestate without heirs or known kindred.

January 4: Pardoned the following persons who are not confined to the Jail in the City and County of Philadelphia, on condition they leave the state forthwith not to return: Thomas Fitzimons, convicted of Felony, Ann McKinzie, convicted of Larceny, Benjamin McElwein, convicted of Felony,

January 5, 1796: Pardoned Thomas Smith McCloud, now confined in the jail of the city and county of Philadelphia, having been convicted of Felony in Carlisle, Cumberland Co. on condition he leave the state forthwith not to return.

January 6: Pardoned James Burns, convicted of Misdemeanor in Office as Justice of the Peace for Mifflin Co., viz: not taking sufficient security for the appearance of John Montgomery, Jr. who had been brought before him on a charge for an Assault and Battery committed on Thomas Smith, Judge of the Supreme Court; and Charles O’Hagan, convicted of keeping a tippling house.

January 11: Pardoned Peter Shatz, convicted in Berks Co. of a misdemeanor.

     Remitted fine imposed upon Joseph Norman in Philadelphia Co. convicted of keeping a tippling house.

January 12: Pardoned Jacob Livengood, convicted of Forgery in Berks Co.

January 13: Remitted fine imposed upon James Davidson of Franklin Co. who was bound for the appearance of William Davidson to take his trial in that county for receiving stolen goods but who absconded.

     Remitted fine imposed upon Alexander Gartley and George Haberland, the former in City of Philadelphia and the latter in Franklin Co. convicted of keeping a tippling house.

     Instructed Attorney General to enter a Noli Proseque An act in favor of John Montgomery, charged with assaulting Judge Smith unless some special reason shall occur to him in opposition to the measure.

January 14: Pardoned John Bryant, Samuel Lunnun and Isaac Ozenbecker, (convicted in Northampton Co. of larceny) now confined in the jail of the city and county of Philadelphia.

January 15: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Simon Donnelly upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

     Appointed John Jolly, Esq. Justice of the Peace for Twp. of Upper Hanover, Marlborough and Upper Salford in Montgomery Co. in the room of Michael Croll, deceased.

January 19: Pardoned Samuel Goodlink, convicted at Carlisle, Cumberland Co. of Larceny.

     Remitted fine imposed upon Isaac Gibson in Chester Co. for fornication and bastardy.

January 25: Pardoned Thomas Russell, convicted of Larceny in Lancaster Co. in November

January 27: Remitted fine imposed upon Henry Kain, and Sarah, his wife, in Northampton Co. for forcible entry and detainure of a lot of Ground in the Borough of Easton in the possession of David Saylor and the said Sarah of an Assault and Battery upon the said Saylor.

January 29: Remitted fine imposed upon Henry Christ for fornication and bastardy.

     Remitted fine imposed upon William Young in Mifflin Co. for Assault and Battery upon recommendation from two Judges and several respectable inhabitants.

     Pardoned Charles Bremen, convicted of Forgery at the last Mayors Court.

January 30: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Peter Coxe of the District of Southwark upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co. February 1: Pardoned the following persons on condition he leave the state forewith not to return, now confined in the City Jail of Philadelphia: Peter Nixon for altering a false or forged check; Daniel Beckwoth for Felony in Berks Co.: Noah Penrose convicted in Philadelphia Co. for Larceny; John Shaw convicted at a Mayor's Court of Larceny; John Petts convicted of a Felony in Berks Co.; John Huett convicted in Philadelphia Co. for misdemeanor.

     Remitted fine imposed upon Stephen Zentmeyer in Franklin Co. for keeping a tippling house.

February 2, 1796: Pardoned James Rankin, formerly of York Co. attainted of High Treason in recommendation from a number of respectable citizens.

February 6: Considered the court martial held in County of Philadelphia in trial of Capt. Conard [sic] Pistar for ungentlemany [sic] behavior and disobedience of orders and approved sentence of the court.

February 16: Pardoned Negro George, convicted of Larceny in Montgomery Co.

February 23, 1796: Regarding petition filed by William Stadleman, by his wife Elizabeth, now, deceased; Jacob Rowry and wife, Mary; Christopher Buckius and wife Sybelah, and Henry Hinkel and Catharine, his wife regarding parcels of land sold by Capt. William Rice (who purchased the forfeited estate of Nathan Roberts, by his attainder of Treason) to George Losch, who by his last Will and Testament divided the property among his four children, the petitioners above. Unlawful ejectment by the Supreme Court An act in favor of David Evans and Sarah, his wife; Israel Roberts, George D. Benneville and Eleanor his wife and Isaac Thomas and Ann, his wife against William Saxton and against Dorothy Losch.

February 24: Remitted fine imposed upon David Roney in Bucks Co. for fornication and bastardy. Remitted fine imposed upon Joseph Geasler convicted of keeping a tippling house. Pardoned William Levy.

February 26: Land escheated to the Commonwealth by the death of John George Hager, who died intestate without heirs or known kindred.

     An act for the relief of Valentine Eckhart.

February 29: Pardoned the following persons now confined to jail of the city and county of Philadelphia upon recommendation: Thomas Allison convicted of Larceny; John Bently convicted of Larcney, Ellen (a negress) convicted of receiving stolen goods, Anna McCoole, convicted of larceny.

March 1: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to David Forsyth upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

March 3: Remitted fine imposed upon Michael Howard in Bedford Co. for keeping a tippling house.

March 4: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Lawrence Connolly upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

     Remitted fine imposed upon John Schell in Lewistown, Mifflin Co. for non appearance of certain William Wood in Nov for trial for larceny for whom the John Schell become bound by recognizance.

March 5: Remitted fine imposed upon Gustavus Shaw.

March 12: Pardoned Robert Armstrong, Joseph Creswell, William McMaster, Evan Jones and Maxwell Coarnelius who were convicted of Riot in York Co. in Spet.

March 15: Remitted fine imposed upon Joseph Scott in York Co. for Assault and Battery.

March 19: Remitted fine imposed upon John Conny in Philadelphia Co. for

keeping a tippling house.

March 21: Pardoned the following persons: Wendel Howser, convicted in Franklin Co. of fornication and bastardy; Joseph (a negro) convicted of Larceny by the Mayor's Court; James Irwin convicted of Larceny in Philadelphia Co.; Joseph Barnsley convicted of Larceny in Philadelphia Co.; Robert Hayes, convicted of Larceny in Philadelphia Co.; Elijah Dingey convicted of Larceny; John Lewis (a black man) convicted of receiving stolen goods.

March 22: Remitted fine imposed upon Conrad Miller in Chester Co. for fornication and bastardy.

March 23: Pardoned Elizabeth Ross, convicted of two counts of Larceny by the Mayor's Court.

     Signed an act for the relief of William Ennis Cortwright.

March 25:       Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Archibald Graham and John James upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

     Published long decision regarding case of Micheal Keppele, Catharine Keppele, Elizabeth Caldwell and James Caldwell and James Caldwell, by their guardian Thomas Leiper and Andrew Caldwell by his guardian, Michael Keppele. Mentions death of James Caldwell, a patentee, on 6 Sept, 1793, intestate leaving the aforesaid Catharine, Andrew, Elizabeth, James, his children and heirs. The Supreme Court had ruled in favor of Chalkley James, Joseph James, Abel James, Thomas C. James, Joseph Smith and Martha, his wife in right of said Martha and John Thompson and Rebecca, his wife in right of said Rebecca by virtue of a title paramount to that of the said John Parrock, deceased, legally evicted.

     Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Conrad Sturmfels upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

     An act for the relief of Owen McLaughlin and John Shilling.

     Remitted fine imposed on Margaret Carr, convicted for keeping a Tippling-house in City of Philadelphia.

April 1: Remitted fines imposed upon Peter Worrall, John Temple, Jacob Hyle, and Henry Stoots, convicted of Riot, Assault and Battery.

April 2: Remitted fine imposed upon Ezekiel Roddy, John Spangler, Jacob Kribbs, Daniel Harrold, Christopher Snider, John Shotts, John Freleigh, Henry Keppel, Paul McCLean and others convicted of a riot at Simon Drum's house in Greensburg on 3 Sept, 1794 in Westmoreland Co.

April 4: Pardoned William Gregg convicted of Larceny in City of Philadelphia.

     Escheat to the Commonwealth of real and personal estate caused by the death of Anthony Ginney and George Hagar, intestate, without heirs or kindred. Claims of William Blair.

April 11: Pardoned Joshua Thompson, convicted of Forgery in Delaware Co.

April 12: Escheat to the Commonwealth of real and personal estate caused by the death of Cottier Buffin, otherwise call Cottier Buffong, or Monsieur Buffin, Buffing or Uffong, intestate in Delaware County, without heirs or kindred.

April 13: Land escheated to the Commonwealth by the death of Joseph and Patrick Purcell of Delaware Co., who died intestate without heirs or known kindred.

April 18: Pardoned the following persons now confined within the jail of the city and county of Philadelphia: John Yard, convicted of Larceny of the Co. of Philadelphia; Elizabeth Wilson convicted of Larceny by the Mayor's Court, Sarah Darley convicted of Larceny by the Mayor's Court; John Debry convicted of Burglary and Felony in Cumberland Co.; Lydia Duffield convicted of Larceny by the Mayor's Court.

April 20: Remitted fine imposed upon John Anderson in Luzurne Co. for keeping a tippling house.

     Pardoned John Lloyd convicted in Philadelphia Co. for bigamy; Oliver Rhea convicted of keeping a tippling house; Margaret Price convicted of uttering a counterfeit bank note in Lancaster Co.k

April 22: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Moses Doyle upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

April 26: Remitted fine imposed upon Jabes Hoopes in Chester Co. for fornication and bastardy.

April 27: The Governor took into consideration the case of John Jordan, William Jordan, Hugh Shaw, John Hicks and Isaac Laferty, who were convicted of Assault and Battery and Mayhem in Northumberland County in November 1795; agreed to remit several fines imposed upon them.

April 29: Pardoned Anne Sheridan convicted of stealing certain articles of Store goods, the property of Charles Bovara and Edward Magauson in Cumberland Co.

May 4: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Robert Thompson upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

May 5: Pardoned the following persons now confined within the jail of the city and county of Philadelphia: John Barlow, convicted of Felony in Northumberland Co. Mary O'Brian convicted of Larceny by the Mayor's Court.

May 9: Pardoned Philip Marchlin, convicted in Huntingdon Co. of Larceny.

May 11: Remitted forfeiture incurred by John Keys of York County when he became bound for the appearance of William Hannegan to take his trial for fornication and bastardy.

May 16: Remitted fine imposed upon Frederick Foy in Quarter Sessions Court convicted of keeping a tippling house.

     Granted license to follow the occupation of Hawker and pedler to Samuel Millehen upon recommendation of Philadelphia County.

May 17: Remitted fine imposed upon Isaac Swartz and Margaret Swartz, his wife and Margaret Swartz, widow, by County of Northampton for riot.

May 21: Remitted fine imposed upon William Simmons and Abraham Morrow in the Mayor's Court, the former for assault and battery and the latter convicted of keeping a tippling house.

May 25: Remitted fines imposed upon James (also called John) Miller (a Negro boy) in Delaware Co. for larceny; Christian Shiner alias Shoner in Montgomery Co. for fornication and bastardy.

     Remitted fines imposed upon John Jordan, William Jordan, Hugh Shaw, John Hicks and Isaaac Lafferty in Northumberland Co. for Battery and Mayham.

May 27: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to William Murray upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin Co.

May 31: Pardoned Thomas McGown, convicted in Mayor's Court of Burglary and Felony.

June 13: Pardoned Ann Lapsley, convicted of Larceny in Washington Co.

     Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Thomas Niven upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

June 18: Pardoned Frederick, a negro, convicted of Larceny in the City of Philadelphia.

June 21: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Christopher McLeonard and Martin Oldenberg upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

June 27, 1797]: Pardoned Margaret Brown, a free black woman, convicted of Larceny.

July 1: Pardoned Edward Philips and Robert Martin, the former convicted in Cumberland Co. and the latter by the Mayor's Court of Larceny.

July 12: Remitted fine imposed upon John Butcher for not performing militia duty in consideration of the particular circumstances of the case.

July 16: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Justus Butnitz upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

July 18: Pardoned John Peal Oneal, alias O'Niel, convicted of assault and battery upon Adam Hoopes in order he may be removed to the State of New Jersey to take his trial for dwelling and homicide.

     Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Moses Roget upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

July 23: Pardoned William Nixon convicted in Allegheny Co. for Burglary.

July 25: Pardoned Daniel Gridd, convicted of murder of the second degree in Allegheny Co.

July 27: Remitted fine imposed upon Christopher Bender in Bucks Co. for fornication and bastardy.

August 3: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Jacob Roderiquez Peraya upon recom­mendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

August 5: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Solomon Levy upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

     Remitted fine imposed upon Hugh Corley in Mayor's Court for fornication and bastardy.

August 8: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Henry Reichers upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

August 11: Commissioned Wilson McClure to be Justice of the Peace in Tyrone District, Cumberland Co., in the room of David McClure, deceased.

August 12: Pardoned Samuel Whitesides, convicted in Mayor's Court of keeping a disorderly house.

August 15: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Robert Lapsley upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

August 20: Remitted fine imposed upon Abraham Keyser for not performing his tour of militia duty in 1795 on the Western expedition.

August 23: Pardoned James Humphrey, the Younger, printer who was attainted of High Treason.

August 25: Pardoned Archibald Briuster, convicted of Larceny in Berks Co. Pardoned Peter Ramilier conivcted of Larceny in Court of General Quarter Sessions.

August 26: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to John Gallagher upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

September 1: Pardoned Henry McDonald, convicted of receiving stolen goods knowing them to be such; John Means, convicted of Horse Stealing in Lancaster Co.; Elizabeth Blander, convicted of Larceny; Oliver Hazard, convicted of Larceny and Sarah Weaver, convicted of Larceny.

September 2: Remitted fine imposed upon Neal McDavitt in City of Philadelphia for keeping a tipling house.

September 7: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Gregory McCarer upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

     Remitted fine imposed upon Joseph Mulharron in Berks Co. for fornication and bastardy.

September 16: Land escheated to the Commonwealth by the death of Peter Curley, alias Corley, in the County of Philadelphia who died intestate without heirs or known kindred.

September 20: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to George Specht upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

September 21: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to William Weir upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

September 24: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to John Doyle upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery.

September 28: Pardoned the following named persons, Vizt: -- To Charles Hobbes, Isaac Hobbes, Isaac Lewis, Nathan Lewis and Isaac Braden, convicted of murder in the second degree in January 1796 in Washington Co. To Thomas Bell who was convicted of Horse stealing in the County of Berks. Pardoned Margaret Rhoades, convicted of Larceny in City of Philadelphia in March 1796; John Luke, convicted of Larceny in Philadelphia in January 1796; To John Kelsor, convicted of fornication and bastardy in County of Dauphin; to John Murphy, Enos or Enease McMullen and Robert Nichols each convicted of keeping a tippling house in County of Philadelphia; to John Levy, convicted of a misdemeanor in keeping a Gaming-house in City of Philadelphia and to Jesse Gouge, fined for not performing his toure[sic] of Militia duty in 1794.

September 30: Pardoned Abraham Larrimore, convicted of Larceny in Huntingdon Co.

Remitted fine imposed by court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace in County of York upon his being convicted of an Assault and Battery.

     Remitted fine imposed upon William Wilson in Philadelphia Co. for keeping a Tippling House..

October 1: Instructed Attorney General to enter a Noli Proseque in favor of Richadson charged with forgery.

October 3: Information having been received that a certain Langford Herring charged with forgery, for whose delivery up to the Justice of Pennsylvania, a requisition had been made in October 1795 upon the Executive of Maryland, has been apprehended and imprisoned in the said State, a request was made to the Governor of Maryland that he deliver said Herring to Adam Stricker and Richard Hunt of Philadelphia.

October 5: Requested Attorney General to enter a Noli Proseque in favor of Cuffee a Negroe (who is indented as a Servant to Mr. John D. Coxe) if no legal cause to the contrary occurs to him, the prosecutor having made application therefore and with Mr. Coxe's assurance that the said Negroe when released shall be sent beyond sea.

Instructed Attorney General to enter a Noli Proseque in favor of John Pollard of Philadelphia who has been charged with assault committed at the house of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Republic.

October 7: Remitted fine imposed upon Samuel Houston in Philadelphia for keeping a tippling house.

October 11: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to John McLean upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

October 12: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Dennis McAleer upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

Remitted fine imposed upon George Cummings in Philadelphia Co. for keeping a tippling house.

October 13: Remitted fine imposed upon John Houston in Philadelphia Co. for keeping a tippling house.

October 14: Remitted fines imposed upon James Edgar in Philadelphia Co. for keeping a tippling house; Mary Spires for Assault and Battery committed in City of Philadelphia; Catherine Greene for certain stolen goods in Berks Co.; Jacob Koch for horse stealing in Berks Co.

October 17: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to George Connell upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

Remitted fine imposed upon John Kirchner in Berks Co. for fornication and bastardy.

Pardoned Catherine Coleman who was convicted of death of her Bastard child and privately to conceal birth of same in compliance with a respectable recommendation from the Inspectors of the Jail of the City and County of Philadelphia.

It is reported that Michael Dougherty now confined in the jail of Philadelphia is a lunatic and the Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital are willing to receive him. Directed Secretary to issue Pardon when he is placed in Hospital.

October 19: Remitted fine imposed upon George Martin for not performing militia duty when called in 1794.

October 21: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to James Roseborough upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Franklin Co.

Pardoned the following persons now confined to the Jail in Philadelphia: Alexander McDonald convicted of forging and uttering a Check on the Bank of Pennsylvania in the City of Philadelphia with intent to defraud; Thomas Wilson convicted of Larceny at West Chester in the County of Chester in 1794; James Dowely convicted of Larceny in the Mayor's Court; Clanson Pierrisol convicted of Larceny in the Mayor's Court.

Remitted fine imposed upon Bartholomew Gahagan in Chester Co. for Fornication and Bastardy.

Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Thomas Oyer and Francis Donnolly upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

October 26:

Land escheated to the State following death of James Carey, late of the district of Southwark, Philadelphia Co., intestate, without heirs or known kindred.                                                                 

November 1: Pardons granted to the following persons: George Southerland convicted of fornication and bastardy at Washington in the County of Washington in 1796; George Hetherington convicted of Riot; Martha Price convicted of Assault and Battery in County of Philadelphia.

November 4: Remitted fine imposed upon John Stretzell in Philadelphia Co. for not performing his tour of militia duty in 1794. The militia fines due from Joshua Davis, Peter Edmonds and Jesse Walton for similar neglect in the County of Northampton were also remitted.

November 7:Pardoned Nancy Betts, convicted of receiving stolen goods in Lancaster Co.

November 8: Pardoned John Collins, convicted in Delaware Co.

November 10: Remitted fine imposed upon Robert Lusk in Cumberland Co. for keeping a tippling house.

November 12: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Michael Darey upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.


November 19: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Hugh Dever upon recommendation of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia Co.

November 26: Pardoned John Lewis Apple, John Brown, Thomas Petersen, Hugh Floyd, Joseph Archer, David Floyd, Parnell Antrim and Peter Jemmison, all of Philadelphia Mariners, convicted of Riot and Assault and Battery at a Court of Oyer and Terminer in Philadelphia on 18 November 1796.

November 28: Pardoned Patrick Lafferty, convicted of Perjury in Philadelphia Co.

November 29: Granted Pardons and Remissions to Peter Powell, convictted of keeping a tippling house in Mifflin Co.; Cuffe (a Negro) convicted of Larceny in the Mayor's Court; William Thompson convicted of Larceny in Delaware Co.

December 2: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Charles McKimman and Patrick Tunny. Pardoned Sarah Clements convicted of Horse Stealing in Huntingdon Co.

December 10: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to James Duffy upon bond given according to law. Remitted fine imposed upon Simon Kremson in 1794 for not performing militia duty. A person named Barecroft, having been charged with committing rape upon the body of Fanny Sibbald and the Governor having received information that said Barecroft has fled to the State into New Jersey or New York, requested him to be arrested.

December 13: Pardoned Ezekiel Creatures, convicted of Larceny in Mifflin Co.

December 14: Remitted fine imposed upon John Kuntz and John Fuhr in Northampton Co. for neglect of militia duty. .

December 15: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Frederick Hanckle upon recommendation of the Quarter Sessions of the Peace and upon bond being given according to law. Remitted fine imposed upon William Boyl in the Mayor's Court for assault and battery. .

December 16: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Frederick Muller and Hugh McGerall upon bond being given according to law.

December 21: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Timothy Cusack upon bond being given according to law.

December 23: Pardoned the following who are now confined to the Jail in Philadelphia: Caesar (a Negro) convicted of Assault and Battery with intent to kill George Claypoole; Anne Brown convicted of keeping a tippling house; Nicholas Fitzpatrick convicted of assault and battery; Michael McShafferty, convicted of Riot.

December 28: Pardoned the following persons now confinued within the jail of the city and county of Philadelphia: John Jacques (a Negro) convicted of Larceny; Chloe Bowman convicted of keeping a disorderly house; Jeremy (a Negro) convicted of Larceny; James Deacon convicted of Larceny; Joseph Price convicted of Larceny; Anne Winters convicted of Larceny; Esther Greene convicted of Larceny.

December 29: Remitted fine imposed upon Robert Hellings for not performing his tour of Militia Duty in 1794. Remitted fine imposed upon James Leonard in Huntington Co. for keeping a tippling house. Pardoned James O. Farrell and John Vaughan, convicted of Larceny in the Mayor's Court.

December 30: Granted license to follow the occupation of pedler to Benjamin Law upon bond being given according to law. Pardoned Patrick Treal, convicted of receiving stolen goods.