Pennsylvania Archives–Ninth Series—1791
These abstracts are from the published ninth series of the Pennsylvania Archives, which is not indexed. This is not an index of that material, but rather gleanings from the data which appear to be of interest to the genealogist. It includes fines remitted, pardons, guardianships, private acts, licenses for peddlers, etc.
Pardons issued and fines remitted by Governor Thomas Mifflin under the Constitution of 1790. Pensions paid widows and children by the Commonwealth of Pa. during the administration of Governor Thomas Mifflin. Published in the Ninth Series of The Pennsylvania Archives, edited by Gertrude MacKinney, 1931.
January 17, 1791:
Pardoned William Dickinson.
Remitted fine of William Henderson, convicted for keeping a tipling house. Remitted fine of Hugh O'Hara, Andrew Thompson, Mary Walker, and Ambrose Conner, now confined in the jail of Philadelphia for larceny.
Transmitted case of Negro Mary (who was supposed to have been kidnapped from the society for the abolition of Slavery, to the Attorney General for prosecution of the offenders.
January 18: Pardoned Henry Greider convicted May last of larceny in Lancaster Co. Granted license to Joseph Henry and George Buck to followed the employment of Pedler or Hawker within this Commonwealth.
January 19: Pardoned John Gregg, convicted of Larceny in County of Northampton.
January 20: Paid Richard Clark, guardian to the minor children of Hugh Scelly for a Pension due said Child from the 14 August 1787 until 10 November 1790.
Paid George Smith, guardian to the minor children of Henderson Murphy, for a pension due to the said children from 14 August1787 to 10 August1790.
Paid Jane Delapt, widow of Richard Delapt, deceased, from 11 August1789 until 10 August1790.
Paid Mary Denny, widow of Capt. Walter Denny, deceased, late of the Militia of Cumberland Co. for pension decreed to her by the Orphan's Court of said County from the first of April 1789 until 19 October 1790.
Paid Eve Withington from Orphans Court of Berks Co due to her on 16 October 1790.
Paid Catherine Alexander, widow of Alexander Alexander, deceased, for pension decreed to her by the Orphans Court of the City and County of Philadelphia from the 31 of December 1777 until 26 November 1790.
Paid Catherine Filson, widow of David Filson, late first Lieutenant in the Militia of the County of Philadelphia for a pension decreed to her by the Orphans Court of the Co. of Montgomery from the 30 March 1778 until the 30 September 1790.
Paid Mary Wert pension due her from the 1 November 1790.
Paid Elizabeth Baxter the pension money due her.
Paid Elizabeth Henry, widow of James Henry, late of Bedford Co. Militia and children for pension drawn in their favor by the late Supreme executive council from the Monies arising from Militia fines in the county of Bedford, but that fund not being productive the said order is now delivered up to be
Paid Martha Dean, widow of William Dean, deceased, late of the Militia of the Co. of Franklin, to be paid from Militia fines in the County of Cumberland, but that fund not being productive the said order is cancelled.
January 22: Pardoned John McDonald, convicted 30 January 1788 and 16 July 1789 of Larceny and Burglary now confined in Jail of Philadelphia.
Pardoned Patrick Waugh now confined to same Jail under sentence of death of murder of his wife.
Warrant issued to Nicholas Lamb, Sheriff of Delaware Co., commanding him to execute the sentence pronounced by Court of said County upon William Gelaspie for the murder of a certain John Hibbard on 29 of present Month at the usual place of Execution.
January 28: Remitted fine of Michael Lawbeck, convicted in Northampton Co. of fornication and bastardy.
January 31: Pardoned James Robertson, convicted of Larceny, now confined to Jail in Philadelphia.
February 2: Remitted fine of Isaac Hamlet for Assault and Battery upon Peter Feather, the younger, in Berks Co.
February 4: Remitted fine of William Butler, now confined in Jail (place omitted) for Larceny.
February 7: Pardoned Catherine Shannon, convicted of Larceny in Cumberland Co.
February 9: Remitted fine of Elizabeth Cessna, late Elizabeth Hall, for Fornication and Bastardy in Bedford Co.
February 10: Pardoned Negro George, convicted of Burglary in Bucks Co.
An act in favor of Jeremiah Fisher, Guardian of the children of Capt. William Shippen being balance of Pension due children according to an Order of the Orphans Court of Philadelphia Co. dated 20 August 1787.
February 16: Pardoned Henry Smith and Jeremiah Smith severally, convicted of Larceny in Northampton Co.
Pardoned George Everson now confined in Jail of Philadelphia Co. for Larceny.
February 26: An act in favor of Elizabeth Shannon (widow of Samuel Shannon who was killed in actual service on an Expedition against the Indians under Col. Archibald Lockrey in 1781) for Pension decreed by the Orphans Court of Westmoreland Co. for the support of herself and the Children.
March 3: An act in favor of Robert and Mary Orr, Guardians of Anne Sloan (daughter of David Sloan, deceased, who was a Lieutenant. in Col. Miles regiment and was killed in Battle) for her pension decreed by the Orphans Court of the Co. of Westmoreland.
March 8: Pardoned William Kinsler and Cornelius Carmody, the former confined in the Jail of Philadelphia for Larceny and Latter in Jail of Delaware Co. for an Assault with intent to commit a Rape.
March 12: An act in favor of Elizabeth Henry for 12 months pension decreed to her by Orphan's Court of Bedford Co.
March 15: Remitted fine of Alexander Bigham, convicted in Philadelphia Co. for an assault and Battery upon Archibald Hamble.
March 19: referred the petition of Hugh Cox in favor of his Wife who was charged with Larceny, to the Attorney General with instructions if he saw cause, to enter a Nol. Pros.
March 22: An act in favor of Margaret Miller, widow of the late Capt. John Miller for one quarters pension due her from 11 December 1790 until 11 Marc: pursuant to an order of Orphans Court of the Co. of Philadelphia. An act in favor of widow and Children of Col. Archibald Lockrey, late of the Co. of Westmoreland, deceased, for their pension.
March 23: An act in favor of William Ferguson, Guardian to the Minor Children of Michael Campbell, deceased, for their pension pursuant to an order of Orphan's Court dated 5 December 1787.
March 24: Remitted fine of Hugh Scofield, convicted of Assault and Battery in Bucks Co. in consideration of his Poverty and his having a Large Family.
Remitted fine of Mary Martin, convicted of a misdemeanor in Chester Co. it appearing that her time of Servitude is expired and that she was well recommended.
March 25: Pardoned James Burras charged with Burglary and Larceny and confined to Jail of Philadelphia on condition of his leaving the State not to Return.
March 26: Pardoned George Heft, convicted of Larceny in Philadelphia Co. in compliance with the recommendation of Maj. William Ferguson and Capt. Ercurius Beatty who certify that the prisoner served faithfully as a Soldier in the last Continental Army, and is willing now to enlist himself in the troops under their Command.
March 28: Remitted fine of John Kean, convicted of keeping a Tipling house.
March 29: Pardoned Thomas Wigley, convicted of Larceny and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail upon the application of William Lewis Esq., Attorney of the United States for the district of Pennsylvania who has represented that the said Wigley will be a useful witness on the part of the U.S. against several persons who have been charged with counterfeiting public securities and who will be brought to Trial at Trenton, New Jersey.
March 31: Remitted fines of Bryan Tate and Owen Roberts, convicted of Assault and Battery by Mayor's Court of Philadelphia 20 December 1790.
April 4: An act in favor of Catherine Reinick, Minor, daughter of Dr. Christian Reinick, December who was a Surgeon's Mate in the Pa. Troops of the late Federal Army, for her pension from 21 September 1789 until 20 Jan 1790. An act in favor of Peter Bole for a balance of Pension due to him on 2 May 1789.
April 6: Passed an Act for the Relief of Blackall William Ball. An Act to enable Eleazer Oswald, guardian to Jane Jones, Blaithwaite Jones, Mary Jones and Gibbs Jones, minors under age of 21 years, to sell Property. Remitted fine of Rudolph Bartlet, convicted at last Supreme Court in Philadelphia of fornication and Bastardy upon his petition and recommendation from the Jury.
April 7: Passed an Act for the Relief of James Officer and Abraham Lukens. April 8: An act in favor of widow of James Donaldson, deceased, for the arrears of his pay as a Soldier in the Flying Camp in the year 1777.
April 9: granted second pardon to Thomas Wigley, alias Quigley, alias Henry Smith, as to all crimes, misdemeanors and offenses of which he was, convicted in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
April 13: Remitted fine of Charles Brady, convicted of Assault and Battery by Mayor's Court. Approved an act for the relief of Philip Peter.
April 14: Pardoned William May, convicted of Larceny in October 1789 and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail upon condition of his Leaving this State not to return.
Remitted fines of William Jolly and his wife Elizabeth, Jacob Bawers, Margaret Armstrong alias Bennett and Mary Brown, convicted of larceny and confined in the Philadelphia co. jail as their times of servitude have expired.
April 19: Remitted fine of Jane Telford for keeping a tipling house imposed by the Mayor's Court at Philadelphia.
April 21: rejected case of Hannah Logan, widow of Charles Logan, deceased, a. private of Militia, decreed to her by Orphans Court of Dauphin Co.
April 23: Pardoned William Benson, a Negro, confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail.
Pardoned Catherine Ingraham confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail for receiving stolen goods.
Addressed His Excellency Beverly Randolph, Esq. requiring that Samuel Brady and Francis McGuire be delivered to Pa. for the murder of four friendly Indians on 9 March.
May 2: Pardoned Nail McMullen, convicted of perjury in Montgomery co. Pardoned John Wade, convicted of subornation of perjury in Montgomery Co. Remitted fine of Isaac Hamlen imposed for Neglect of Militia duty in Berks Co.
May 5: Remitted fine of Joseph Sutton, convicted of Larceny and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail his time of Servitude expired.
Pardoned Robert Polk, convicted of Burglary and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail his being well recommended and the Jailor having certified his good behavior.
May 6: An act in favor of Anne Watt of Pension decreed to her by the Orphans Court of Northumberland Co. from 15 October 1790 to 5 April 1791.
May 10: Pardoned John Mitchell, convicted in 1790 in Northampton Co. of having in the 1778 stolen a Horse.
Pardoned William Stephens, convicted of Larceny and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail at Hard Labor.
May 14: Pardoned David Sproat who was attainted of High Treason against the Commonwealth of Penn. by a Proclamation of the late supreme Executive Council dated 21 May 1778.
Remitted fine of John O'Brien imposed by Court of General Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia for Assault and Battery.
May 16: information has been received the George Everson, convicted of Larceny, has not complied with the condition that he leave the State. Proper measure may be taken for apprehending and securing him.
May 18: Remitted fine of James Roberts imposed for fornication in Bucks Co.
May 10 (20): Remitted fine of John Pope imposed for Keeping a Tipling House in Cumberland Co.
May 24: wrote to His Excellency William Patterson, Esq. Gov. of New Jersey asking that he deliver William Stedman alias Stephenson who stands charged with Robbery committed in Pennsylvania.
May 30: Remitted fines of William Hambbleton or Hamilton and Esther Smith, convicted of Larceny and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail it appearing their times of servitude are expired.
An act in favor of Jane Rosburgh, widow and Relict of the Rev. John Rosburgh, deceased, for her pension pursuant of an order of Orphans Court of Northampton Co. from 18 May 1790 until 18 May 1791.
An act in favor of Lucinda Piper, widow of Lt. Col. James Piper, deceased, pursuant of an Order of Orphans Court of Cumberland Co. from the 1 July 1790 to 2 May 1791.
Remitted fine of Anne Johnston imposed for Adultery in Chester Co. upon her being recommended by three Justices of the peace and Sheriff of said County.
June 1: Pardoned William McIlheny, convicted 6 December 1790 in Lancaster Co. for Manslaughter; in compliance with a respectable recommendation of the prisoner for Mercy.
Murder was lately committed within County of Northampton upon person of William Lein by Peter Naagle, who it is alleged is permitted to continue at large in defiance of law. Issued orders to take decisive steps to secure the offender.
June 4: Wrote a letter to His Excellency Beverly Randolph, Esq. Gov. of the State of Va. demanding that Balwin Parsons, Francis McGuire and Absalom Wells who have been indicted in Washington Co. for having illegally and forcibly carried off from the said County a certain free Negro named John with an intention to sell him as a slave in another State may be delivered up to this State. Approved account of Ruth Black, widow and relict of James Black of Westmoreland.
June 8: Referred to the Attorney General the case of John Pursell, now confined in the Jail of Philadelphia, on charge of Forgery as a proper object of Mercy, he having a wife and seven small Children who are suffering for want of assistance.
June 9: Remitted fine of John Bisbel, convicted of Larceny and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail, his time of Servitude is expired.
Pardoned Eleanor Godfrey, now confined in the Jail of Philadelphia at Hard Labor, convicted in December 1790 for keeping a disorderly house.
June 10: Pardoned the following prisoners confined in the Jail at Philadelphia: John Peacock, convicted of Horse stealing September 1790; John Brown, convicted of Larceny March 1790; Thomas Williams, convicted of Burglary April 1787; Joseph Thompson convicted of Horse stealing November 1788; Jane Wiley upon condition of her giving sufficient security to leave the State, not to return.
Approved account of Elizabeth Parry, widow of Lt. Col. Caleb Parry for pension due her according to decree of Orphans Court of Philadelphia.
June 11: Thanked Governor William Patterson of New Jersey for attention to application to deliver up William Stedman since apprehended and confined in the Jail of Trenton.
June 16: Remitted fine of William Wills imposed for keeping a Tipling house in Philadelphia Co.
June 17: Pardoned Isaac Cohen for Larceny and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail on condition of his leaving this State, not to return.
June 20: Remitted fine of Amos Shaw for keeping a Tipling house in Bucks Co. upon recommendation of a number of Respectable inhabitants of the said county. An act in favor of Jane Roberts made payable out of the monies of the forfeited Estate of John Roberts, deceased.
Information has been received that Arthur Erwin late of Bucks Co., while sitting in the house of Daniel Macafee in Luzerne Co., received a bullet wound by some unknown person(s) and instantly died. $200 reward offered.
June 21: Pardoned Mark Milleken, convicted in York Co. of having received certain stolen goods and of Harboring and maintaining the burglars; upon condition of leaving the State not to return.
Pardoned Jacob Ott, convicted of Larceny; confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail.
June 22: Remitted fines of Patrick Lynch, John Card, Barney Neal, William McMahon, John Neal, John Herrin, John Munrow, Nicholas Brock, William Butler, John McMahon, John Wilson, James Wilson, Thomas Vardin, Elizabeth O'Hara and Cherry Barrington, convicted of Larceny.
An act in favor of Margaret Campbell, the child of Michael Campbell, late private of the Northumberland Militia, deceased, for pension allowed by the orphans Court of Lancaster Co. to her from the 5 November 1789 until 5 June 1791.
Rejected pension of family of Capt. Andrew McFarlane, late of the Cumberland Co. Militia, deceased, as not being presented within time limit.
June 23: An act in favor of Susanna Jacquet, late Widow of Joseph Jacquet, deceased, who was a Lt. in Col. Samuel Miles's Regt. of Rifle Men for pension from the 27 August1776 from the time of her husband's decease until 28 August1783 the time of her second marriage, as decreed by the Orphans Court of Philadelphia.
June 24: An act in favor of David Martin for the pension due to Jane his wife from the time of decease of her first Husband William McCluny; to wit, on 28 July 1779 until 15 October 1781 when she married the said David Martin and for the pension due to the children of the said William McClung from the time of the said second marriage until 17 September 1790 according to a decree of the Orphans Court of Mifflin Co.
An act in favor of Margaret Cody for arms lost in public service on 5 July 1778 when her husband Abel Cody as killed in Northumberland Co. fighting against the Indians.
July 8: Remitted fine of Patrick Carroll imposed for Assault and Battery upon a certain Thomas Martin with a recommendation from two Justices of the Peace and four respectable inhabitants of the Chester Co. and also the Attorney General.
July 9: Pardoned John Ewing, convicted of Robbery and confined in the Jail of Montgomery Co. being recommended by the Court of Quarter Sessions of the said County.
July 11: Pardoned Theobald Libegood, convicted of Perjury now confined in the Jail of Berks Co. having been well recommended by James Collins, Esq. and several other respectable inhabitants of the said county.
Remitted fine imposed upon James Oellers by the Mayors Court of Philadelphia for keeping a Tipling house upon recommendation from the Mayor, and four other respectable Citizens.
July 16: Remitted fines of John Kain, convicted of Larceny and confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail.
Pardoned David Griffith and Thomas Stroud, convicted of Capital Offences under the late Act for amending the penal law which having been repealed the Court postponed passing sentence upon them and they now remain in confinement; recommended by the Judges of the Supreme Court.
An act in favor of Christiana Little, widow and Relict of Nathaniel Little, late Sgt. of Lancaster Militia for pension due from 6 September 1786 to June 6: by decree of Orphans Court of said Co.
July 18: Sent copies of indictment of grand jury against Brady and McGuire and several other persons to Gov. Beverly Robinson. Sent copies of various documents concerning the delivery of Francis McGuire, Absolom Wells and Baldwin Parsons from Virginia to Pennsylvania to the President of the United States.
July 19: Remitted fine of Vincent M. Pelosi imposed in Philadelphia for selling spirituous liquors by the small measures without a License, upon respectable recommendation.
Referred petition of Elizabeth Donnelly praying remission of debt due Commonwealth by her husband Patrick Donnelly for excise to Edward Bartholomew, Collector of excise in Philadelphia Co.
July 29: Pardoned Joseph Snowden and Mary McGuire, convicted by the Mayor's Court of Philadelphia for several offences, now confined to Jail in Philadelphia.
August 5: Pardoned Alexander Ross attainted of High Treason, Ross being recommended by a number of very respectable Citizens.
Remitted fines of Derrick Gonsales, Samuel Gonsales, and Thomas Childers imposed in Northampton Co. for forcible entry and detainure for which James Van Campen was bound as surety.
August 15: Remitted fine imposed upon Peter Miller for keeping a Tipling house in Montgomery Co.
August 17: An act in favor of Anne McNeal, widow of Laughlin McNeal, who was late a Lt. in the State Navy now, deceased, for her pension from 1 January 1788 the time of which she was settled with until 1 January 1791 by decree of Orphans Court of Philadelphia Co.
August 19: Pardoned and Remitted fines of Richard Henry, convicted of keeping a Tipling house in Lancaster Co., John Smith and John Kerns, convicted of Larceny in York Co., Elizabeth Campbell for keeping a disorderly house in Philadelphia, Catherine Johnson, convicted of Bastardy in Allegheny Co., John Patterson, convicted of Larceny in Philadelphia, John Carroll, convicted of Highway Robbery at Philadelphia, John McClean, convicted of Larceny, Samuel Buskirk, convicted of Larceny by Mayor's Court in Philadelphia, John Middleton, convicted of Larceny by Mayor's Court in Philadelphia, Andrew Henderson, convicted of Fornication and Bastardy in Washington, Co.
The petition of Jacob Levergood, convicted of Forgery in Berks Co. was rejected.
An act in favor of Elizabeth Halfpenny late Widow and Relict of Alexander Maxwell, deceased, for her pension from 24 August1781 to 1 October 1785 the day of her marriage according to a decree of Orphans Court of Allegheny Co. dated 13 April 1790. An act in favor of Anne Maxwell, minor daughter of said Alexander Maxwell for her pension from 1 October 1785 until her mother's marriage.
August 20: Pardoned Nicholas DeWalt, convicted at Easton of Horse Stealing and is now confined to the Jail in Philadelphia.
August 22: Remitted fine of Hannah Croser for keeping a tipling house in Philadelphia.
August 30: Granted that George Hardy who had received a pardon from the Late Supreme Executive for High Treason on the condition that he depart the state, was granted a full and free pardon as he desired to return to the state.
September 3: An act in favor of Sarah McCay [sic], widow of Capt. Robert McCoy late of Peters Twp. in Franklin Co., deceased, for her pension according to the Orphans Court of said Co. dated 18 May.
Paid Joseph Dolby for ringing the bells on the anniversary of Independence and on the arrival of the President of the U.S. in this City on 6 July.
September 8: Pardoned the following men all confined to the Jail in Philadelphia: Barney Hughes, convicted of Larceny, Thomas Lynch, convicted of burglary, Thomas McGuire alias Green, convicted of Larceny.
September 15: Remitted fine of John Winter for Assault and Battery in Dauphin Co.
September 16: Pardoned William Webb, convicted for Horse Stealing in Lancaster Co.
Remitted fine Thomas Pearce, convicted by Mayor's Court in Philadelphia for Fornication.
September 19: An act in favor of Anna Blight who is charged with Larceny to Attorney General to enter a Noli Proseque in her case if after inquiring into the circumstances of her case, no objection arises.
September 30: Pardoned William Holliday, convicted of Horse Stealing in Chester Co.
Approved an act for the relief of Estate of Sarah Caldwell, and also for the relief of Mary Beere, James Steen and John Thompson.
October 1: An act in favor of Mary McCracken, widow of Henry McCracken for her pension agreeable to order of Orphans Court.
An act in favor of Sarah Hall, widow of Ensign Andrew Simpson for her pension decreed by Orphans Court.
An act in favor of Agness Simpson daughter of said Andrew Simpson. An act in favor of Martha Dean, widow of Capt. William Dean for her pension from 19 June 1788 until 15 August 1791.
An act in favor of Sarah Martin for One Quarter's Pension.
October 3: Pardoned Hyram Tyler, convicted of Highway Robbery in Bucks Co.
October 4: Remitted fine imposed upon George Gowan by the Mayor's Court for keeping a tipling House.
October 5: Pardoned Philip Smith, convicted (among others unnamed) of a conspiracy in Berks Co.
October 12: The following persons are now confined in the Philadelphia Jail: Abraham Hancock, convicted of receiving stolen goods, Patrick O'Hara, convicted of Larceny, Thomas Krouch, convicted of Highway Robbery, James Lewis, convicted of Larceny, William Miller, convicted of Larceny, Catherine Nelson, convicted of passing counterfeited money, Johanna Connor, convicted of Larceny.
October 17: Pardoned Jacob Loney, convicted of Larceny in Berks Co.
October 18: Granted license to follow the occupation of Hawker and pedler to William Sowerwine.
October 19: Granted license to follow the occupation of Hawker and pedler to Conrad Sturfels.
October 26: An act in favor of Catherine, widow of Lt. David Filson, late of the State Militia, deceased.
Pardoned Agness Bailey, convicted at Mayors Court of Philadelphia of Larceny.
October 31: granted pardons to the following on condition of leaving state not to return: John Clark, convicted of Larceny at Mayors Court, John Watson, convicted at Court of General Quarter Session of Larceny, Esther McCormick, convicted by Mayors Court for keeping a Tipling house. Transmitted a petition from Susanna Cushingbaugh to Attorney General to enter Noli Prosequi if proper. Requested a passport for Mr. Earl Sproat, a Citizen of this State being about to proceed to New Orleans on business.
November 4: An act in favor of Vency Dunlap, widow of John Dunlap killed in public service as Militia Man for her pension decreed by Orphans court of Dauphin Co. from 1 May 1789 until 20 June 1791.
November 7: Pardoned Thomas Chalkley, convicted in Delaware Co. of Fornication and Bastardy.
November 21: Pardoned Edward Bratton, convicted of Assault and Battery in Mifflin Co.
November 23: Pardoned Philip Gibbons, convicted in York Town in York Co.
November 25: wrote Thomas Chittenden, Esq. Governor of Vermont requesting return of James Gibbs alias Isaac Gibbs who is charged with counterfeiting a Certificate issued by the U.S. government and having fled from Justice and taken shelter in Vermont.
December 6: Pardoned the following men now confined in the Philadelphia Co. jail: Thomas Archer, convicted of Larceny, Robert Collins, convicted of Larceny; David Davis, convicted of Larceny and Adam Rice, convicted of receiving stolen goods.
Pardoned William Cleland, convicted of Horse Stealing and confined in the Lancaster Co. jail.
December 8: An act in favor of Margaret Fullerton widow of George Fullerton late of the Militia Light Horse, deceased.
December 15: Pardoned John Stanley, convicted of Larceny in Montgomery Co., Anthony Shomo and Philip Smith who were, convicted, among others, of a conspiracy in Berks Co.
December 19: Pardoned Robert Spear, convicted of Perjury at West Chester in Chester Co., John Schneider, convicted of fraudulently and corruptly embezzling and coverting to his own use certain monies which he had collected for Taxes in Twp. of Upper Dublin in Montgomery Co., James Bowie, convicted in Court of Quarter Sessions in Philadelphia for keeping a Tipling house.
December 20: An act in favor of Robert Clark, guardian of John Stewart, minor child of John Stewart late of the State Militia, deceased.
December 27: Pardoned James Miller, convicted of Larceny; John Hagan, convicted of Larceny; Margaret Standley, convicted of Larceny; Cyrus Brown, convicted of Burglary all confined to the Philadelphia jail and Henry Riechart, convicted at Reading in Berks Co. of Horse Stealing.
December 28: Pardoned William Murphy, convicted of Assault and Battery upon a Richard Pryor.
December 29: An act in favor of Sarah McClintock for her pension.