Stone County, Missouri, Probate Minute Book A:51

Feb 3 1857, Administrator L.D. Bolen, administrator of estate of Yellie Bowlen allowed $47 to pay Thomas Patterson.

3 February 1857, L.D. Bolen was authorized to pay the widow of the deceased $75 for the purpose of purchasing corn and other provisions and groceries for the support of the widow and family.

A:64 16 November 1857, Jeremiah Kelly presented a bill of $10 against the estate of Yelly Bolen, deceased, for making the coffin.

A:71 August term 1858, L.D. Bolen, administrator filed a petition to sell real estate to pay the debts of the deceased.

A:74 October 5, 1858, Oscar Rogers presented his account against the estate of Lucy E. Bolen, deceased for $42.00

A:75 L.D. Bolen, administrator for estate of Lucy E. Bolen was authorized to dispose of the crop belonging to the estate for the maintenance of the minor children.

A:78 LD. Bolen was authorized to advertise sale of real estate of Yellcy Bolen, deceased, in the Springfield Advertiser.

A:83 December 21, 1858, L.D. Bolen, administrator of the estate of Yelly Bolen reported that it was necessary to repair the fences on the farm belonging to the estate.

A:101 L.D. Bolen was authorized to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Yelly Bowlin, deceased, SW quarter of SW quarter of fractional fourth of Section 23 and lots 13 and 14 of NW fraction of the right bank of James Fork of the White River, descending quarter of section 26, in  Township 23, Range 24 containing 73 acres and lot 15 of NW fractional quarter of Section 26, Township 23, Range 24.

A:130 May term 1859. L.D. Bowlen made final settlement of the estate, showing a sum of $203.08 left in the estate after the debts were paid. The court then discharged him.

(L.D. Bowlen did such a good job that he was appointed administrator for several estates that were not being carefully administered and then the court made him public administrator.)

A:174 February 1863

L.D. Bolin was appointed guardian and curator for the persons and property of John Robbert [sic] Bolin and Benjamin Franklin Bolin, minor heirs of Yelle Bolin, deceased, under the age of 14 and gave a bond of $200. Mary Jane Bolin became guardian and curator for the person and property of Sarah Mac (later called Mack) Bolin, minor heir of Yelle Bolin, deceased, and entered a bond of $200 for performance of her duties.